Hello everyone! Here is the cast list for Winnie the Pooh! I am so excited to go on this journey with your kiddos. They all did amazing at auditions and I am so proud of them. Here is some info about the start of this show.

First rehearsal-January 10th 5-6:30. The first hour (5-6) will be just the kids. We will play games, get to know the kids and go over expectations and rules. The last 30 minutes (6-6:30) will be a parent meeting. This is mandatory for at least one of the parents or guardians to be there. This is where we will go over paperwork, the rehearsal schedule and get set up for our communication platform. 

Reminder that ALL parts are important. You can’t put a show on without everyone!

I am so excited to see everyone on Wednesday the 10th. If you have any questions, please email me! cernybrynn@gmail.com


Please email cernybrynn@gmail.com by Tuesday January 9th by 5pm to accept or decline your role. 

Abby Clem-Bees, Animal Chorus, Word Chorus

Ace Bishop-Roo

Adrien Lopez-Bees, Animal Chorus, Word Chorus

Amelia Windell-Eeyore

Baylee Carr-Bees, Animal Chorus, Word Chorus

Emma Boyle-Narrator

Everly Windell-Kanga

Franny Bishop-Tigger

Heath Gang-Bees, Animal Chorus, Word Chorus

Juni Rivera-Bees, Animal Chorus, Word Chorus

Kaya Jones-Christopher Robin

Kennedy Millner-Rabbit

Olivia Rosenberry-Winnie The Pooh

Preston Engelhardt-Piglet

Rosalie McNutt-Bees, Animal Chorus, Word Chorus

Veda Kirk-Owl

Weston Kuber-Bees, Animal Chorus, Word Chorus